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Keep Your Head Up

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Even though you are going through a tough time, even though it hurts so much that you cannot stand it, even though it feels as though you are falling apart, endure…endure. Keep you head up, maintaining courage and belief in yourself. You are one of the few who have chosen to be themselves, to be true to yourself, to go where others fall down and never get back up. It may feel as though you have fallen on the ground, but you keep moving. When you are being yourself, you will at times get overwhelmed with emotion. This cannot be helped. You might feel as though you are a little kid again. At these times you might feel desperation.

If you rush yourself, you will slip and fall. Don‟t rush. When you rush, you have a desperation, causing yourself to be in an inferior position. What would happen if you just went at your own pace? Try it. Allow silence to exist to feel what you are feeling. Hear your self, and give it time to speak its feelings so you can know what direction to take next. If you rush, you have a need. What is that need? It can trip you up and make you fall. Lose the need. You are fine the way you are, at the pace that best suits you. Desperation makes you rush over feelings and is part of your defense not to deal with them. Feelings cannot be cared for while you are feeling desperate unless you care for the desperate feeling. Ask yourself what you feel so desperate about, and speak openly about it so that you slow down the process to meet your self where it is at.

If you are in a situation where you need to rush, such as work, this is incorrect. The person who put that idea into your head does not know how to work effectively and is just trying to control you. You don‟t need to do anything, and you cannot do anything but move at your own fast pace. If that pace is not good enough for your work, you can try to grow to increase your pace, but if it cannot increase without you rushing, you do not belong at that pace. Do not be afraid of rejection or of being fired. If it happens, you are being supported because you did not belong there to begin with, and they are helping you to get where you belong. Remind yourself that you can only be you, you are good, and you being where you do not belong is bad.

Even though you may be going through a tough time, you are at least being yourself. Take strength in that, knowing you will grow from being yourself. Just because you are feeling low, rejected, and like the worst person around, does not mean that it is true. The opposite is true because you are dealing with yourself. Got it?

-When do you feel like you can‟t hold you head up?
-What hurts?
-Take courage and belief in yourself; just do it.
-When do you feel a calmness and security?
-When do you feel desperation or a need to rush?
-What is the difference between the last two answers?
-How can you bring about more of this calmness and security to the placewhere you feel desperate and rushed?
-Do you find you make more mistakes when you are desperate andrushed?

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