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What are you waiting for? Few opportunities are thrown at you; you have to create the right positions and situations to move up. Make lists of things you want to accomplish and do them.

If you're busy in an office situation, make daily lists and reward yourself with praise upon completion. Catch yourself achieving. 

Concentrate on what you're doing and do one thing at a time, but do it quickly and handle the next thing. Be efficient with telephone calls, maybe taking them at appointed times or calling back at your convenience. 

Don't try to look busy. Be busy. Your superiors will know what you accomplish. Be busy doing important things rather than writing about what you've done. 

Take the time for physical exercise. It will energize you - not take away from your effectiveness. It relaxes your mind and stimulates your capacity to achieve.


An inner core of all accomplishment is the positive energy from the subconscious. If your subconscious mind has tapped into your goal and believes it is good for you, your energies will direct you towards that goal.

You can consciously create circumstances and conditions of environment and physical presence, but it is that level behind the outwardly physical that directs your true being. When the subconscious mind accepts an idea, the inner power will complete it. 

That's why you can accomplish anything you want - by creating all outward manifestations to trigger your subconscious into action. As you decide on your goals and write them down, repeat them twice a day out loud. This in essence brings it to the inner level. 

When you think about your goals and desires, the subconscious hears it. So direct your energies - both outer and inner - to your goal with one-pointed devotion. In that way, you can control your destiny. 

In order to connect to your inner self, relax - let your thoughts go. Feel that part within you that actually makes the decisions - the reflexes, the instincts, the intuition and hunches. Let your mind be quiet from its usual chatter. 

Some people present problems to their inner consciousness by asking themselves a question before they fall asleep. Often the answer is in their minds when they wake up. 

Clarity rids confusion. If you find you're filled with worries and anxieties, spend the time to think them through. Approach them logically, considering the consequences of all possible actions. When you've made a decision, follow through and don't agonize over what-ifs. 

Everybody has creative potential - you don't have to be an artist to be creative. Each moment of the day is creating your own self, becoming your true inner person. 

Let yourself look within. Release the handicaps of fear and anxiety - even for a moment. You'll be relaxed and refreshed. 


It is constant repetition of the goal and the belief that you can attain it. 
It’s those techniques above, which have been used by great inventors, financiers, business people, political figures and enlightened beings.  

Never dwell on self-criticism or what you think are your inadequacies. Instead, repeat your goals and the qualities that will make you successful. 
 Write out your outstanding goal. In a few words, describe what you want to attain. Then write what you will do to achieve that. What energies and efforts will you trade for that success?

Give yourself a specific date to accomplish this goal, and specific times to carry out the interim steps. Put this paper or note card in a visible place - such as taped to the mirrors - so you can review it and repeat it at least twice a day.

It is those people who convince themselves that they are failures, and successful people believe that they will rise to the top and will achieve their goals. Believe in yourself. You are everything worth believing in.  

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