Attitude and Conditioning
I would like to simply clarify what attitude really is:
Attitude is:
What you think
What you do
How you feel
All situations require that you think about what is happening. You have to
decide what to do, then work on your emotions on how you feel about what
you think and do. That is the simplicity of attitude.
You can be struggling with a problem with your teenager. Your teen’s new
friends are not the kind of friends you want him to have. You think the problem
is a tough one, you know you have to do something about it. You might want to
do whatever your decision is in a positive way. However, your emotions on how
you feel may want to dictate to him and yell and scream to get those low life
friends away from the house.
Your attitude will be the essence of how you find the solution to the problem.
A negative attitude will be one of, “Why does that kid always upset me, seems a
day can’t go by without problems, why did I ever have kids anyway? All I have
been doing is trying to do the best I can, feeding, clothing, sheltering and
working overtime so he can have his name brand shoes, and now he brings punks
home that will influence him and turn him into a druggie and cigarette smoker.”
With a positive attitude, your solution will come with positive emotions.
“I love my teenager and find the challenges of raising one quite stimulating.
Let’s see if I can settle this problem without creating mountains out of molehills.
I have raised my teen with great values, and I know that he has a strong
background of knowing the difference between right and wrong so I will trust
him to make his own choices. I will sit down tonight and get his viewpoint on
his new friends and go from there.
You can almost picture in the above example, which attitude is going to get the
best results and come up with the better solution.
Let’s Start with Conditioning
As a child, you were raised. Whether you had good parents, horrible parents,
indifferent parents, or were raised by someone that was not a relative, you
survived. You learned how to eat, talk, walk and read, and all the while you were
forming perceptions of what the world was all about. In essence you lived in a
box. The only way outside of the box was to learn more, see more, and do more.
Each thing you saw, or did, created the “you” that you are now.
If your caregivers:
• were kind, you learned kindness
• gave into your every whim. Then you learned to get your way
• were mean, you learned to be mean, or decided not to be mean
• argued a lot. Your environment was one where arguing was normal.
• were critical, you learned to judge.
If the male figure in your life was dominating and the female caregiver in your
life walked on eggshells to not upset the applecart, you learned to be careful and
possibly to whisper so as to not make anyone angry.
If you were yelled at as a child, the chances are you use yelling as a tool.
This also can backfire on you. Did you know that if you grew up with lots of
yelling, that if you find yourself in an environment where there is no yelling, you
may very well do things in your new situation to create yelling and all
If your dad gave you the silent treatment, the chances are you use that
punishment against those you love, or, you totally flip-flopped and did not do
what you thought was wrong and made a vow to yourself - you would not be like
that when you grew up.
As a child you learned to be scared of authority, or to defy authority. You
learned to respect the law, or hate the law, or just abide by the law. You may
have learned to put your seatbelt on at an early age, and it may be a habit. Your
parents both may have smoked, so smoking is acceptable to you or every time
you smell cigarette smoke it brings back bad memories when you were stuck in
an environment that you had little control.
Your parents may have been very religious and you learned to be just like them
or won’t go into a church, because it was pushed so hard down your throat you
can’t even look at what it really is. Your parents may have been atheists and
would not let you go to church.
You learned fear of water, or respect of water. If your mother screamed every
time she saw a spider, you may have ended up with a fear of small harmless
creatures, or by watching her, you may have learned how to act hysterical over
small things to get attention.
As we grew up, each of us learned what was “normal.” What was normal to us
was what we were subjected to each day. Our perceptions of what life is and
how “adults” behave became part of our center core where we could make
decisions with the “facts” that we had on hand.
It’s all in perceptions and how you learned through living at home, from your
schooling to social events to going to church and television. Children take in the
world as a sponge absorbs water - fast. They watch, listen, and try things and
then end up doing what they have learned. This is conditioning.
Sometimes, we need to wring out that sponge so we can put fresh water in.
Many parents messed up, after all, they only had skills that they learned as they
were growing up. Babies come out naked without any instructions. Some parents
managed better than others, and some children never enjoyed decent parenting.
Many children get lots of spontaneous hugs, and others get parents who hardly
ever hug. Some children are not allowed to show anger, or some were raised
with the myth: Big Boys Don’t Cry.
I like to liken children to weeds and flowers. A child that is nurtured such as a
precious orchid where its environment was carefully cultivated, may die at the
first sign of bad weather, while the scrappy weed defies the wind, rain, snow and
We are going to cultivate you as an adult, make you strong like that weed, and
unscarred like that orchid, because no matter where you were or how you started,
that was then; this is now!
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