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Your Attitude - Your Job

A positive attitude at your work place can bring you respect, admiration and promotions. Do you work at a job where you have people who are negative? Are you negative in your work place?

Keeping positive about your job and doing the best that you can is the best way to getting recognition. By refusing to listen to negative talk and or joining in, you will surprise yourself how much better you feel about yourself. 

Gossiping about co-workers, or the boss is all negativity that you do not need in your life or on the job. Keep positive. If you don’t like to be gossiped about, then it is best not to join in gossip about someone else. 

When you attitude is positive and you decide to do the best you can at the job you are doing, you will be amazed at how much more you can produce. Just stay away from people who interrupt you, talk badly about others and in many ways are not going anywhere. You are going somewhere, and that is what is important. 

Your Attitude - Your Family 

A positive attitude with your family can bring healthier relationships and a happier home life. Your family is probably the most important thing in your life. Learning about parenting, and how to improve your marriage is a great step toward a happier healthier home life. Get those communications open and learn all that you can about how to improve your marriage. 

Get negative people out of your life. Yes, it will take some doing. Almost every family has a negative person, and it is very hard to get away from family, however, you can keep watch that you don’t let a negative person drain you, and you can plan your visits around people you do want to be around. 

Cut out the Clutter and Clear Your Stress 

When you are not in the habit of putting things in their proper place you end up with trying to remember where things are. 

You get clutter in every single day. Junk mail, newspapers, grocery receipts and junk mail in your bills. You have coupons that you are saving, pictures, extra batteries, tools, and in it all comes. 

If you don't have a place where you keep each thing, you are adding stress to your life. 

Take this scenario, you are running around in the morning, you know you set your keys somewhere. You can't find your purse, your wallet, the sweater that you were sure was hanging in your closet. 

You pull open a drawer and start hunting frantically, then you try to shove it shut, but it is stuffed full and won't shut. 


One of your kids, says, "Dad, I can't find my other shoe!" 

More Stress 

You are shaving, and you can't find where you put that new package of razors, so you nick yourself with the old, dull one. 

More Stress 

You are trying to stir the oatmeal, but can't find the serving spoon; you know it was washed. 

More Stress 

Little Johnny can't find his coat. Little Sally can't find the spare toothpaste. How did you end up out of toilet paper!? 

This is truly not a very healthy way to start your day. It begins with a lot of little stressful situations that you can avoid in your life by simply organizing and creating a habit so that you have only one junk drawer, and you have a place for everything and everything is in its place. 


Kids school work in a special place, a bulletin board, a large calendar, an in, out, and pending box. 

A file for bills to be paid 
A file for bills already paid 
A file for pending projects 
A great big trash can for junk      


A place just for serving spoons
 A place for batteries 
A place for spare light bulbs 
A place for spare flash lights. 


Having your clothes ready for the next day, and a spare set in case of being burped up on. 

THERE is nothing wrong with wearing an apron. Call it old-fashioned if you will; however, aprons save you stress. 

MEN can wear aprons, too. Maybe not the flowery ones, however there are nice butcher type aprons that are quite masculine. It is a new day and age where men do help with the kids far more than their forefathers did. Kids get sticky fingers, and when you cook, grease splatters. Get covered up and save yourself the stress of having to change clothes at the last minute. 

How about those clothes in your closet? Are you waiting to get back into them? Box them up, or give them to charity. 

How about clothes you have not worn in over 18 months? 

Give them to charity. 

How about suits you have not put on in 5 years. What are they waiting for? Moths? 

That old broken toy you were going to fix 4 years ago and it is still sitting there. DUMP it! 

Do you have unused exercise equipment? Have a yard sale, and when it is done, give the rest to charity. 

Have your kids outgrown clothes? If you are saving for another child, great, box them up, until it is time. If you are not going to have another child... have a yard sale, give them to someone who needs them, or again, fill up a charity box. 

If you are really in a disaster, don't get over whelmed, take a corner at a time until everything in your house is organized. Teach your kids to put things back where they belong. 

When new things come in, get rid of the old. Keep the house, your shop, your garage nice and neat. 

Yes, it is not always convenient to put something back, but it does not take any more time than the ten minutes here and the ten minutes there, trying to find what you are looking for. 

If you work at home, SEPARATE your work from the rest of the family. If you work at home and you have kids answering your business phone then you either have to teach the little ones not to answer the phone and the older ones to be professional, or spend the extra $20.00 per month and get a phone that only you will answer. 

Speaking of answering phones. When you are overly busy and harried, you can let the answering machine pick up the phone for you. You never want a customer to think you are too busy to help them

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