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Many people want money as a primary goal. There certainly is nothing wrong with your desire for money. But first, be sure that your true goal is money. Can you live, breathe, eat, and sleep money? Do you dream about money, and want it more than anything?

For true money-seekers, you must be your own boss. The great money makers all started and ran their own businesses. And, even though it seems as though all the good ideas have already been taken, there are plenty out there. 

The secret of the wealthiest people is to find a special need and fill it. Like quick-food chains; like supermarkets; like electronic games. Whether you invent a new toy or gadget, or see a spot to market special items in a new way, the world is open to true entrepreneurs, and they do make it. 


Almost any goal you choose - whether riches and material abundance or spiritual attainment - requires learning. How much education do you have? Do you want more? Perhaps your goal is to get another degree or to secure a special license.  

There are countless opportunities to learn more about your own industry or to learn about a new skill. Not only do you have the colleges and universities, but there are many trade schools, correspondence schools, and special groups that teach skills - at very reasonable prices.


What do you need to know to get to where you want to be? You may not need a degree, but the actual experience. So you'd need to change jobs or accept a parttime job at night to develop your skills.

More than ever, people are leaving their present occupations to learn a new trade and then starting at the bottom again to be happy in their work. Maybe you'll need to put in extra hours at work now so that you can save money to take the time off next year. 

Even though most entry-level positions are offered to the younger people, you can find many companies willing to give you a chance to change your occupation. Many times you might find an older master willing to apprentice you to learn the skill or trade. 

Once you're enrolled to learn new skills, put everything towards learning. Apply yourself one hundred percent. Take advantage of asking questions and getting criticism from teachers and fellow students. Read everything you can study well. It is your developing expertise that will get you ahead and closer to your goal.

It's always a good time to learn more. Even if you are happy in your job, expanding yourself through education is a very rewarding activity. Take some dancing or tennis, gourmet cooking or sculpture lessons. Any activity that is taught and shared by many enthusiasts will do just fine, provided you are interested in that activity.


Consider the most important things you need to accomplish. These are high priorities. Then think about those things that seem to take up a lot of time and get you nowhere. Those are the low priorities.

Understand what's important to achieve and do those things first. It's better for you to stack those low priorities somewhere else and finish the important material than to spend time clearing your desk to get down to the essential things. 

You'll be noticed more quickly for the big things you achieve than for keeping paper flowing. Don't let co-workers waste your time with chitchat if you've got things to accomplish. After work or during your hour for lunch, is the time for chitchat. 

Handle paper once; decide the action and finish with it. Keep interruptions to a minimum and delegate responsibilities. Although you'd like to believe you're indispensable to the job and you are the only one to take care of many things, you can teach someone else and move on to your own goal achievements. 


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